FAQs: new glass repair program
Do I need to make an investment to move into Tier 1?
All glass repair facilities must meet the equipment and tooling requirements for the new program. However, no additional investment is required to be eligible for Tier 1. Entry into Tier 1 will be based on the facility’s performance metrics (KPIs), measured over 12 months. However, there are investments that can have a positive impact on performance metrics. For example, investment in ADAS calibration equipment could have a positive impact on the customer satisfaction and/or the cost control KPIs.
The new minimum requirements seem to benefit the bigger banner shops. As a smaller, independent shop how will I compete in this new model?
None of the new program’s minimum equipment and tooling requirements necessitate capital investments; however, facilities must be able to reference OEM repair procedures, when applicable. Many Glass Express facilities, regardless of size, already have the equipment that is required to do so; as a result, most smaller independent facilities should not be at a disadvantage. The new program will introduce minimum performance requirements, set on a regional basis, that ensure all participating repair facilities are proficient in, and focused on, glass repair. These requirements may include minimum annual claim volume, minimum repair ratio, quality assurance scores, and the customer satisfaction index.
Will ICBC consider reducing the 12-month review time for the evaluation cycle?
A period of 12 months is a reasonable amount of time to collect sufficient performance metrics (KPIs), and will ensure that results are not skewed by seasonality or unusual repairs.
I have a dual shop: could it be in two different tiers and two different regions simultaneously?
It is possible for a facility to be in two different tiers of ICBC’s two new programs, i.e. Tier 1 of the new collision repair program and Tier 2 of the new glass repair program. Dual shops will receive separate scorecards for collision and glass, enabling each side of their business to be managed separately. It is not possible for a facility to be in two different regions, as the new collision and glass repair programs have the same regional boundaries.
Why are the requirements for uploading photos different for Tier 1, Tier 2, and the Assessment Tier?
The higher the tier, the greater the autonomy and ability to realize efficiencies. For example, Tier 1 glass repair facilities will not have to upload photos for windshield repair (although the facility is still required to take photos and retain them for two years for audit purposes). In addition, glass repair facilities in Tier 1 and Tier 2 will no longer be required to photograph a vehicle’s four corners. The existing photo requirements (refer to the current Glass Express requirements) will apply to shops in the Assessment Tier of the new glass repair program.
KPIs and regionalization
How are the KPIs defined, and how are they applied regionally?
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the new program have been developed based on industry best practices. The three main KPIs in the new program are cost control, customer satisfaction, and quality assurance. KPI’s will be used to measure shops performance against their peers in each of their regions.
How can shops manage costs per claim in smaller regions?
Factors such as mix of business and freight times vary widely depending on geographic location. Grouping facilities according to geographic location will establish an even playing field, as facilities will compete against others facing similar market conditions. However, there are a number of factors within a facility’s control that can help reduce costs per claim – the most significant is the facility’s ability to safely repair a windshield instead of replacing it. Facilities can also select more cost-effective parts when alternatives are present in Glass Web Express, and perform ADAS calibrations in-house when possible.
If I have an issue with my designated region, can I dispute it?
Regional boundaries for the new glass repair program will be the same as those for the new collision repair program. While these are not open for dispute, ICBC will review the geographic regions on an annual basis.
How is ICBC counting repairs – per claim or per repair?
Windshield repairs will be captured per claim. For example, a windshield repair claim consisting of three chip repairs will count as one windshield repair claim.
Why would I help to increase the repair ratio when I’m only getting paid for one repair?
When safe, proper windshield repairs are performed instead of unnecessary windshield replacements, the glass repair program saves money. These savings will be shared with high-performing facilities through the Shared Benefits pool. Therefore, facilities will be incentivised to perform a windshield repair when a replacement can be safely avoided. While the repair ratio is an important performance metric, there are several other KPIs that contribute to a facility’s overall performance – and this directly impacts both tier status and eligibility for the Shared Benefits Program.
Customers with high-end vehicles who insist on a glass replacement will negatively impact our repair ratio. How will this be addressed?
While the repair ratio KPI is heavily weighted in the new program, a facility can achieve strong performance overall through its quality assurance assessments and customer satisfaction scores. Glass Web Express indicates when a customer has requested a replacement but the windshield damage is repairable. All facilities will be expected to educate customers about safe, cost-effective repairs.
Will ICBC investigate why facilities are replacing windshields?
Yes. By tracking repair ratios and comparing the performance of shops against others within the same region, ICBC will be able to identify facility trends and behaviours that warrant further review.
How will customer satisfaction be measured?
Customer satisfaction will be measured through customer surveys. We are currently in the process of selecting a vendor to design and administer the survey.
If facilities already survey their customers, will ICBC use that information when scoring for customer service?
We are currently seeking a vendor to manage the survey process for all facilities in the program. This process will establish consistency across the program and ensure that customers do not receive multiple surveys. For this reason, results from independently surveys conducted by the facilities will not be used to determine a facility’s customer satisfaction score.
Will ICBC cover the cost to access OEM repair procedures?
Gaining access to OEM repair procedures is the responsibility of the repair facility. ICBC considers this information to be necessary for the execution of safe, proper vehicle repairs.
National auto glass specification (NAGS)
If there are changes to NAGS, will ICBC review the redesigned glass program?
Mitchell has committed to providing the NAGS benchmark in the near-term and to providing adequate notice of any changes. In the event of significant changes, ICBC will review the new program to determine the impact on its billing and pricing policies.
Shared benefits
What are the criteria for participation in the Shared Benefits Program?
The Shared Benefits Program will apply only to years in which the new glass repair program achieves savings. In those years, the top performing shops in each region will be eligible for shared benefits (Tier 1 shops, plus the highest performing Tier 2 shops).